[SP] Threads-Clone(스레드클론)
Nov 29, 2023 | Jun 24, 2024
| Ryoon.With.Wisdomtrees
1. 리포지토리
ryoon-with-wisdomtrees • Updated Dec 8, 2023
2. 사이트
3. Thread-clone

- Next.js 13버전으로 제작한 Thread clone app입니다.Next.js.
- 해당 앱은
Build and Deploy a Full Stack MERN Next.js 13 Threads App | React, Next JS, TypeScript, MongoDB
유튜브 강의를 보고 적용하여 만들었습니다.
4. 배우고 적용한 것
- Master Next.js 13.4 with Server Side Rendering
- Learn MongoDB handling of complex schemas, multiple data population
- Create beautiful layouts with TailwindCSS
- Use Clerk for authentication
- Handle file uploads with UploadThing
- Explore Shadcn components
- Listen to real-time events with webhooks
- Understand middleware, API actions, and authorization
- Explore & integrate new Next.js layout route groups
- Validate data with Zod
- Manage forms with react hook form
- Create reusable components
- Build a solid application architecture
- Deploy the application with Vercel