[TIL] Protecting your routes with Middleware

Dec 15, 2023 | Jun 25, 2024
Middleware관련된 정보는 이 페이지에 업데이트하자.(23.12.15기준)
The authorized callback is used to verify if the request is authorized to access a page via Next.js Middleware. It is called before a request is completed, and it receives an object with the auth and request properties. The auth property contains the user's session, and the request property contains the incoming request.
here you're initializing NextAuth.js with the authConfig object and exporting the auth property. You're also using the matcher option from Middleware to specify that it should run on specific paths.
The advantage of employing Middleware for this task is that the protected routes will not even start rendering until the Middleware verifies the authentication, enhancing both the security and performance of your application.
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