온종일 a4종이로 모델하우스를 제작하던 5살.
즐겁게 마케팅/광고 기획을 제안하던 27살.
여전히 분석-조립-제안-제작을 좋아하는 개발자의


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[SP] R.W.W.T 블로그 (현재 사이트)

RWWT.world is a static Gitbook-themed-Blog built with Next.js 13, Notion API, Tailwind-CSS and Vercel, reinterpreted & created by ryoon.with.wisdomtrees, inspired by NotionNext

[SP] Ryoon-Note(Notion-clone)

Ryoon-Note(세륜노트) is a Next.js 13 ver end-to-end Fullstack notion-like Web App with TypeScript

[SP] NomNom-location(쩝쩝 로케이션)

NomNom-location(쩝쩝 로케이션) is a Next.js 13 ver Location based Web App(w/ Googlemap & GooglePlace API) with TS

[SP] DDui-DDui-Ride(뛰뛰라이드)

DDui-DDui-Ride(뛰뛰라이드) is a Full Stack NextJs 13 Uber Clone Web App w/ NextJs, React.js, Tailwindcss, Google Map, Stripe with TypeScript

[SP] Hey-Taxi(헤이택시)

Hey-Taxi(헤이택시) is a Full Stack Next.Js 13 ver. Taxi Booking App w/ NextJs, React.js, Tailwindcss, Mapbox and Stripe

[SP] RyoonThread(커스텀 스레드 클론)

RyoonThread(Thread-Clone ver.2) is a full Stack MERN Next.js 14 Threads App with React, TypeScript, MongoDB, uploadingthing, zod etc..

[SP] Threads-Clone(스레드클론)

Threads-Clone is a full Stack MERN Next.js 14 Threads App with React, TypeScript, MongoDB, uploadingthing, zod etc..

기술 로그
사이드 프로젝트
능동적 나눔과 기쁨
생각 조각 모음
독서 노트
영감 기록